95 of the Best James Bond 007 Puns, Jokes, Quotes, and One-Liner

, Author

Dr. No Puns, Quotes, and One-Liner

Dr. No Puns and One Liner
Honey Ryder: Are you looking for shells?
James Bond: No. No Puns and One Liner
James Bond: I think they were on their way to a funeral

From Russia With Love Puns, Quotes, and One-Liners

From Russia With Love Puns and One Liners
Tatiana Romanova:
James Bond: She’s had her kicks

Goldfinger Puns, Quotes, and One-Liner

Goldfinger puns and one-liners
Felix Leiter:
James Bond: Oh, he blew a fuse

Goldfinger puns and one liners
James Bond: Shocking.

Goldfinger puns and one liners
Pussy Galore: ゴールドフィンガーはどこだ?
James Bond: Playing his golden harp.

Goldfinger puns and one liners
Pussy Galore.Goldfingerは、ゴールドフィンガーのダジャレとワンライナーです。 My name is Pussy Galore
James Bond: I must be dreaming

Goldfinger puns and one liners
James Bond: Manners Oddjob.Pussy Galore. レディにはいつも帽子を脱ぐのでは?


Thunderball Puns and One-Lines
James Bond: Don’t worry.

Thunderball Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: My friend is sitting this one out(私の友人がこの件に参加しなくてもいいでしょうか?

Thunderball Puns and One-Liner
James Bond: He gave the point.(彼はポイントを得たと思う。

Thunderball Puns and One-Liner
Domino: What sharp little eyes you’ve got
James Bond.のようなダジャレを言うのでしょう。

You Only Live Twice Puns, Quotes, and One-Liners

You Only Live Twice Puns
Tanaka: あなたは、彼らがあなたのどこに魅了されているか知っていますか? それは胸の毛です。
James Bond: 日本のことわざで、「鳥は裸の木に巣を作らない」というのがあります。「

You Only Live Twice Puns and One-Liners
Tiger: It can save your life, this cigarette
James Bond: You sound like a commercial

You Only Live Twice Puns
Tanaka: Japan, men cone first, women come second.

You Only Live Twice Puns
James Bond: Oh the things I do for England

You Only Live Twice Puns
Helga Brandt.が登場。 7876>James Bond: まあ、楽しんでください

You Only Live Twice Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: Bon appetit

On Her Majesty’s Secret Service Puns, Quotes, and One-Liners

On Her Majesty's Secret Service Puns and One-Liners
James Bond.Bond.Bondのダジャレと名言の数々。 6690>

On Her Majesty's Secret Service Puns and One-Liners
Irma Bunt: This never happened to the other fella

: ヒラリー卿、何か問題でも?

On Her Majesty's Secret Service Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: He had a lot of guts

On Her Majesty's Secret Service Puns and One-Lines
Tracy.Odyssey: The Puns & One Liners (洒落た一行、洒落た二行)だ。 6690>

Diamonds are Forever puns and one-lines
James Bond: Well he certainly left with his tail between his legs

Diamonds are Forever puns and one-lines
Plenty: ハイ、元気ですか。 私はプレンティです
ジェームス・ボンド: でも、もちろんそうでしょう
プレンティです。 プレンティ・オトゥール
ジェームス・ボンド: お父さんの名前からとったんでしょうか?

Diamonds are Forever puns and one-lines
James Bond: 襟と袖口が一致している限り

Diamonds are Forever puns and one-lines
James Bond.Diamondは永遠に洒落たものである(Diamond is Forever)

James Bond:襟が合っていなければ、洒落たものである。 I was out walking my rat and I seem to lose my way

Live & Let Die Puns, Quotes, and One-Liner

Live Let Die Puns and One-Liner
Miss Caruso: その繊細なタッチ
James Bond: Sheer magnetism, darling

Live Let Die Puns and One-Liners
Solitaire.Odyssey:Miss Caruso、Solitaire.Die、Die.Die.Die、Die.Die.One-liner。

レッスン3はまだですか? 中途半端なことをやっても意味がないんだ。

Live Let Die Puns and One-Liner
James Bond: Just being disarming, darling

The Man With the Golden Gun Puns, Quotes and One-Liner

The Man With the Golden Gun and One-Liner
James Bond.の一節を引用します。

ジェームス・ボンド。 6690>

 The Man with the Golden Gun Puns and One-Liners
Goodnight: ワインは冷やしておこう
James Bond: 他のものは暖かいんだろうな?

The Spy Who Loved Me Puns, Quotes, and One-Liners

The Spy Who Loved Me Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: When one is in Egypt, should delve deeply into its treasures

The Spy Who Loved Me Puns and One-Liner
James Bond.The Spy Who Loved Meのダジャレとワンライナーを紹介します。 6690>

The Spy Who Loved Me Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: All those feathers and he still can’t fly

Moonraker Puns, Quotes and One-Liners

 Moonraker Puns and One-Liner
Drax.Odyssey: Desolated, Mr.Bond
James Bond: Heartbroken, Mr. ドラックス

Moonraker Puns and One-Liners
Q: 再突入しようとしているようです

For Your Eyes Only Puns, Quotes and One-Liners

 For Your Eyes Only Puns and One-Liners
James Bond.G.B.A.T.T.(以下、G.B.と略):このダジャレと一行詩は、Moonrakerのダジャレと一行詩です。 それは笑いますね。 彼はまだ私が処女だと思っている

Octopussy Puns, Quotes, and One-Liners

Octopussy Puns and One-Liners
Magda: He suggest a trade.He’s putting your virgin. 卵と命
James Bond: まあ、卵の値段が上がったと聞いたが・・・ちょっと高くないか?


マグダ:君は生き残るか? ジェームス・ボンド: 顔の記憶力がいいんだね
ジェームス・ボンド: 数字も

Octopussy puns and one liners
Magda: スクラップブックに使うんだ。 思い出を集めているんだ

Never Say Never Againのダジャレ、名言、ワンライナー

Never Say Never Againダジャレとワンライナー
Fatima Blushです。 なんて無茶をしたんだろう。

Never Say Never Againのダジャレとワンライナー

Never Say Never Againのダジャレ・名言集

Never Say Never Againのダジャレと一行
Fatima Blush:さあ、これを書いてください。 “私の人生で最大の喜びは、ナッソーの船上でファティマ・ブラッシュに与えられた “と書いて、”ジェームズ・ボンド、007 “と署名してください。 お墨付きを与えるのはサービスポリシーに反します。

A View to a Kill Puns, Quotes, and One-Liners

A View to a Kill Puns and One-Liner
Jenny Flex: 早起きは三文の徳

A View to a Kill Puns and One-Liners
May Day.A.M.S.A.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.:「早朝の乗馬は楽しいよ。 7876>James Bond: Oh, you’ll see to that personally?

A View to a Kill Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: There’s a fly in his soup

A View to a Kill Puns and One-Liners
Zorin: You took well slept it ?
James Bond: A little restless but I got off eventually.

A View to a Kill Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: 心配しないでくださいよ。 すべて包まれているんだ。

The Living Daylights Puns, Quotes, and One-Liners

The Living Daylights Puns and One-Lines
Kara Milovy: ジェームス・ボンド:ネクロスはどうなった?

The Living Daylights Puns and One-Liner
James Bond: We have a old saying, Georgi – and you’re full of it

The Living Daylights Puns and One-Liner
Kara Milovy: どうしたんですか?
James Bond: Salt corrosion

The Living Daylights Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: He met his Waterloo

License to Kill Puns, Quotes and One-Liner

License to Kill Puns and One-Liner
James Bond: The Waterloo:


License to Kill Puns and One Liner and Quotes
James Bond: Pam, this is Q – my uncle. Q、こちらは私のいとこのケネディさんです。

License to Kill Puns and One Liners and Quotes
Perez: 金はどうしたんだ?
Sanchez: Launder it

License to Kill Puns and One-Liners
He disagided with something that ate him

GoldenEye Puns, Quotes, and One-Liners

ゴールデンアイ Puns and One-Lines
James Bond: No,No No.Name. 6690>

GoldenEye Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: One rises to meet a challenge

GoldenEye Puns and One-Liners
Natalya.NATARY: Natalya.NATARY: Natalya.NATARY: Non more foreplay. GOLDEN-EYES PUNKS and One-LINERJames Bond: どんな武器を解除するのかにもよりますね。

GoldenEye Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: 恐れ入りますが、この度は。 ノックするのを忘れました。

GoldenEye Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: She always enjoyed a good squeeze

Tomorrow Never Dies Puns, Quotes, and One-Liners

Tomorrow Never Dies Puns and One-Liners
James Bond.のようなダジャレは、「死んでも死に切れない」という意味です。 このような場合、「曖昧模糊」と呼ばれることが多いのですが、「曖昧模糊」と呼ばれるのは、「曖昧模糊」と呼ばれるのは、「曖昧模糊」と呼ばれることが多いのです。

Tomorrow Never Dies Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: Backseat driver

Tomorrow Never Dies Puns and One-Liner
James Bond.のように。

The World is Not Enough Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: If you can’t trust a Swiss banker, what’s the world come to?

The World is Not Enough Puns and One-Liner
James Bond: If you are Q, that makes him R?

The World is Not Enough Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: One last screw?

Die Another Day Puns, Quotes, and One-Liners

Die Another Day Puns and One-Liners
Mr.Kill: I’m Mr. Kill
James Bond: That’s a name to die for

Die Another Day Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: Time to face gravity

Die Another Day Puns and One-Lines
James Bond.は「死ぬ」ことを意味する。 6690>

Die Another Day Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: I missed your sparkling personality

Die Another Day Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: You know you’re cleverer than you look
R: Still better than looking you clever than one are.

Die Another Day Puns and One-Liners
Verity: I see you handle your weapon well
James Bond: I’ve been known to keep my tip up

Casino Royale Puns, Quotes, and One-Liners

Casino Royale Puns and One-Liners
Vesper.Of.Puns, and One-Lines:


Casino Royale Puns and One-Liner
James Bond: お前が俺のタマを掻いて死んだことは全世界に知れ渡るだろう

Quantum of Solaceのダジャレ、引用、ワンライナー

Quantum of Solaceのダジャレとワンライナー
Mathis: 手錠を持ってると思う

Quantum of Solaceの洒落と一行
Felix Leiterです。 ここでは週に一度、政権が変わります。

Skyfall Puns, Quotes, and One-Liner

Skyfall puns and one liners
Sylvia: What has she done to you?
James Bond: まあ、彼女は私を椅子に縛り付けたりはしなかったけどね

Skyfall puns and one liners
Q: 時として引き金を引く必要がある
James Bond: あるいは引かなかったかだね。

Skyfall puns and one liners
M: Where have you been?
James Bond: Enjoying death.
Skyfall one liners.

M: Where have you been?

SPECTRE Puns, Quotes, and One-Liner

SPECTRE Puns and One-Liner
Madeline Swann: If the choice, why does a man choose the life of a assassin?
James Bond: まあ、それか聖職者か。

SPECTRE Puns and One-Liners
James Bond: Life Insurance

SPECTRE Puns and One-Liners
Madeline Swann: 7876>James Bond: Too much

SPECTRE Puns and One-Liner
James Bond: Visionaries … psychiatric ward are full of them


