Life is good

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Your selfish spouse never thinks of your needs at all, isn’t it?

Your selfish spouse is very mean and self centered

Your selfish spouse is very mean and self centered

It is always I and me with hisher.The Wizard, I’m sorry.

Yes.Your selfish spouse only thinks about his needs.

But it comes to family problems, he/she hold himself away from it from …家族の問題になると、彼女は自分自身を遠ざけるわ。 Heshe coolly pointing you as the reason behind it.

Very, very mean and selfish of himher isn’t it?

It is very boring to live with a spouse who only thinks of himselfherself.

After marriage you expect love and care from your spouse.

After marriage is very boring with a spouse. 家族の責任を果たすためには、彼の無私のサポートが必要です。


  • Heshe listens to your ideas.
  • Your selfless spouse wants to fulfill your wishes.
  • Heshe never thrusts his responsibilities on you.
  • Your selfless spouse does not thrust his family on you.
  • Heither respects your individuality.これは、あなたの個性を尊重し、家庭的な責任感を持たせるためのものです。
  • 執着せずにあなたを愛する。
  • Your selfless spouse is very adjusting and tolerating.
  • but a selfish spouse has never any of these essential qualities.あなたの利己的な配偶者は、これらの本質的な資質を一切持っていない。

    Selfish spouse is hell to live with, as he/she is very mean and one-sided

    How does your selfish spouse expose the meaner side of himher?

    • Heânshe only thinks of his her needs
    • You are the one to make compromise after a fight, even though your spouse is wrong.
    • You have to handle family problems solely.あなたは家庭問題を一人で処理しなければなりません。 Your selfish spouse will have nothing to do with it.
    • You must be responsible, not himher
    • Heather wish should be preferred, not yours.
    • Your selfish spouse always talks about himselfherself.
    • He she never likes sharing.
    • He she goes into violent anger when his minor wish is denied by himher.
    • Heshe wants you to behave only according to his mindset.
    • Your selfish spouse is egoistic and would never give in to your wishes.
    • Heshe does not accept your views as he/she feels it is against his comfort level.


    How boring and tiresome your married life is

    ‘My wife always thinks for every aspect of our married life’ いとこの息子は暗い顔で私にこう言った。


    「彼女は友達と一緒に過ごすが、私は友達と一緒には過ごせない。 家庭を顧みないかのように口うるさい」

    「美容院に大金を使う。 しかし、自分のためには1円も使えない」

    「彼女は何着もドレスを買うが、私が自分のために新しいものを買えば怒鳴る。 「着ていないシャツがたくさんあるのに、どうして無駄遣いするの」と金切り声が耳につく。 このごろは、もうその話も退屈で、彼女のことを気にかけなくなりました」







    Your selfish spouse makes your married life highly taxing by being very demanding and commanding about his needs. あなたはいつも受け手側です。

    It is tough to live with a selfish spouse, isn’t it?

    How should you handle your selfish spouse?

    • You should not let himher have hisher way always.
    • Be very firm that you too should have a say in family matters.
    • Never play a mother\ father to the selfish demands of your spouse.
    • Shouldering all responsibilities makes your spouse even more selfish.

    Conclusion about the ways to deal with your selfish spouse

    Make your selfish spouse understand that family responsibilities are mutual.Never play an mother father to your spouse’s selfish demand.Showarding all responsibilities are more selfish. 自分の希望にいつも厳しい態度をとることはできません。 良い結婚生活には、常にギブアンドテイクの方針があります。 決して一方的なものではありません。 それを理解させなさい。

