Addicted to Her

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When its time to let go thats when i hold on the most
But i always end up giving myself false hopes
Look. I ain’t tryna say that she’s my life partner
But it make me want to try harder from when we first started
I had rushed it then i crushed, i was going all in
We were happy and excited it was the moment we were caught in
That’s the reason why, all I want is a second chance
Cause I feel things could go better if they don’t go as planned
Everyday I think about her, Zawsze o niej mówię
I nienawidzę robić tych rzeczy, kiedy robię je bez niej
Choć czuję się jak tchórz, wracając, ona na to nie pozwoli
Ciągle jest zajęta uganianiem się za tym pierwszym, z którym wyszła

Jestem uzależniony od niej, jestem uzależniony od bólu
Jestem uzależniony od miłości czasami myślę, że są takie same
W zimnym okrutnym świecie, I swear they get in my brain
I swear they going hard I’m not loving it mayne

It took her 6 months to get back to my life
And when she did i thought thats when the stars had aligned
But the stars never moved they were sitting just fine
Gotta thank the cartomancy not the eyes in sky
If its not meant to be then I’m meant to be warned
If loving you once did not work then I But ill go against odds and with God i’d go to war
And if i were to lose atleast she know what it was for
But is someone like her worth it does someone like me deserve Wiem, że nie powinienem, ale robię to wszystko celowo. Jak mam się trzymać kogoś, kto nie wkłada w to tyle samo pracy? Jestem od niej uzależniony, muszę rzucić z zimnym turem.

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